Aonghas Crowe

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Wish this were bigger and clearer, but, oh well.

So, how do you say the following in Japanese?

How much?

cook (rice)

the day after tomorrow


The answer depends on where you live. In Fukuoka, we say:

いくら, but some people say なんぼ


In most parts of the country (+), Japanese say "niru" (煮る) or "niso" when they are refering to boiling or simmering vegetables and potatoes and so on. In the Kansai area, much of Shikoku, and parts of Kyûshû (▲), however, the word "taku" and "takyun" are used. "Taku" (炊く) is more commonly used when cooking rice as in the phrase gohan o taku (ご飯を炊く). "Wakasun" and "pakasun" can be found in Okinawa ().


しょっぱい and 辛い, but some people say しょっぱかー! and 辛かー! for emphasis.