Aonghas Crowe

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60 : 35 : 5

60 to 35 to 5

Any idea what these numbers represent?

60 : 35 : 5 is the ratio of heavy to moderate to light drinkers in Japan. In other words, 60% of Japanese are said to be heavy drinkers (酒豪, shugō), 35% moderate drinkers, and 5% are people who either drink very little or cannot drink alcohol at all (下戸, geko).

げこ 【下戸】 geko

▸ 私はまったくの下戸です⦅まったく酒が飲めない⦆

I can't drink (alcohol) at all.

しゅごう 【酒豪】 shugō

a heavy [a hard] drinker

のんべえ ―べゑ【飲ん兵衛・吞ん兵衛】nobē


Someone who is well-known for drinking a lot, a drunk

のんだくれ 【飲んだくれ】 〖大酒飲み〗〘けなして〙

a drunkard ; 〖酔っ払い〗a drunken person, ⦅話⦆ a drunk
