Some old maps and photos of Fukuoka's streetcars. There were seven lines in total (See below) and if I am not mistaken they were dismantled in February of 1979 and replaced with buses. The city's first subway line opened in 1985.
Kitakyushu's streetcar was still running when I lived there in 1992~3. Took FOREVER to travel from Orio in the west to Kokura in the east.
The street cars were managed by a succession of companies.
運営者: 福博電気軌道・博多電気軌道→東邦電力・九州水力電気→福博電車→西日本鉄道
The seven lines included: 貫線(かんせん)・循環線(じゅんかんせん)・城南線(じょうなんせん)・呉服町線(ごふくまちせん)・貝塚線(かいづかせん)・吉塚線(よしづかせん)・築港線(ちっこうせん、貨物線)の7路線があった。