Today is the last day of the celebrated IMS, aka "The Golden Phallus". Lots of "memories" were started here, lots of money spent as well, but that's less important.
I'm going to miss Elizabeth Muffin, which is only one of two outlets in Japan. They will not be reopening again, so fans of the shop were lined up--I counted over 50 people winding out the building and up the stairs--hoping to get a taste of Elizabeth's dusty muffin one last time. The shop had a sign that I think said, "30 Years. Thanks fuh Nuthin', Losers!" and a balloon shaped like an outstretched middle finger. Coming soon: Crowe's Schweddy Balls.
The Mitsubishi Artium, a small gallery that had some pretty avant-garde exhibitions will also be missed. Not sure if it's going to relocate. Correct me if you know.
Tsukimiya, an import toy store will be moving, fortunately. I have dumped quite a few Marks on German holiday decorations there and picked up a Nutcracker for 70% off today.
The shop I visited the most was the former Sony Plaza that changed its name to Plaza a few years back. They have another shop in Solaria, so I'll still be able to find my overpriced Euro candy.
I always liked the upper floors with all the bars and restaurants. Can't say that I have been in years, though, so that big middle finger is pointing at me, too.
I still can't believe the building is going to be torn down. Yes, by all means get rid of the Aigan Building, but leave IMS. All it needs is for the interior to be upgraded.